I just finished reading conspiracy journalist Jim Marrs' new book
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America. (Someone
posted about it on DU last month.} My impression of Marrs from reading it is that he's a libertarian who despises pretty much every liberal or conservative government action, as this book takes a free-market leaning and attacks the actions of every president since Nixon. Recurring themes:
- Big Pharma is harming America, and alternative medicine is better and persecuted
- There's an unreported globalist takeover of American institutions
- Public schools and the mainstream media are turning the American people into unquestioning zombies
- The Federal Reserve should be audited.
Really disturbing is that Marrs included Obama's nontroversial speech to public schools (which he refers to in another page as "government schools" the pejorative conservative term) within "media control and fearmongering" next to Tasers, the PATRIOT Act, and government control of the news.
Marrs also devotes a section of his book, "Leader Control", to attacking the Obama administration including the high salaries of the first lady's staffers and even takes James O'Keefe's undercover ACORN video seriously. Also he presents the Kenneth Gladney
hoax (Gladney is a Tea Party supporter who claims that SEIU members beat him) as fact. He seems to try to appeal to everyone of every political orientation as he cites sources ranging from ProPublica to WorldNetDaily to Bill Moyers as commentary about public affairs. There's a reason why
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit actor and former Air American radio host Richard Belzer and
The Wall Street Journal are quoted on the book jacket praising Marrs' past work.
On the brighter side, Marrs has many excellent criticisms of the expansion of national security under George W. Bush and the PATRIOT Act. Marrs also has written books questioning the official reports regarding the JFK assassination and 9/11 attacks, and what do you think about those books and Marrs' theories in general if you've read his work?