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Filmmakers Log 12/26/08

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Lance31 Donating Member (109 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-08 09:21 PM
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Filmmakers Log 12/26/08
Edited on Fri Dec-26-08 09:26 PM by Lance31
Helloo again.

Well the writer's meeting went exceedingly well. We all seem to be on the same page. A blend of what the script should be, tempered with what our resources are. Hence, shooting this reality style. Allows us to have a grittier less polished look, and thus more flexiblity.

Monday will be scouting 3 locations for the shoot. Will be taking a steadycam out on location and shoot everthing so that everyone can get a preview of the various places and we can come to a concensus on which places to use. I like everyone to have input, generally speaking I think the final result shows if you've been an egomanic or have gotten your crew truly involved with the project.

Positives: Lets see we have solidified the concept, this will be a sci-fi horror film pretending to be supernatural horror film at the beginning.

Props: We have obtained about 3 tons of used electical tranformers, cables, poles to build a 4 story "Electromagnetic Tower".

For the design I am using the Wardencyffe Tower, built by Nicola Telsa

Ours will follow the same design, however will have more of a H R Geiger appearance.

Well guess thats about it for now. Will post again next week :)

And as usual for your listening pleasure:

The Official James Bond Music Trailer:
"Another Way to Die" from "Quatum of Solace"
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Lance31 Donating Member (109 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-08 11:11 PM
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1. also:
I keep forgetting to note: That the overall concept is Lovecraftian in nature. Trying to decide if I can pull off a Shoggoth or Shub-Niggarth wandering about, in a slightly bad mood.
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