Damages Season 2
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Fri Jan-23-09 01:25 PM
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Is anyone watching the second season of Damages? I have seen the first three episodes and things seem very intersting this season. What do others think?
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Fri Jan-23-09 01:28 PM
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Great Series, sometime the plot is pretty controverted. Don't like the Ellen character, this gal never smiles.
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Fri Jan-23-09 01:30 PM
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It keeps you guessing. Also, you don't really know how much Patty Hewes knows in any given situation. She's always playing so many different angles.
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Fri Jan-23-09 01:31 PM
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This is one of my favorite shows. Lots of interesting story lines, and it seems to get crazier each week. I loved the first season; did you watch it???
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Fri Jan-23-09 03:36 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
I watched most of the first season and liked all the episodes I watched. For this season I was questioning whether Patty Hewes is as bad as Ellen thinks. I have been thinking that maybe Ellen has the wrong idea about Patty Hewes.
question everything
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Fri Jan-23-09 02:12 PM
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4. Yes. Except the last one is still on the VHS tape |
as it was running against the season opener of Lost.
(We don't watch that many programs, why do they have to put the ones that we do against each other?)
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Sat Jan-24-09 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. ABC is re-airing the season premiere of LOST tonight. |
The networks are now using Saturday night to re-air things like that.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:32 PM
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