...yeah, this one not so much.
Let's cut CGI a little slack, please. We all KNOW special effects are involved, so it's easy to piss at. But is there an alternative? Matte work comes with blue auras, stop-motion and go-motion are outdated and ineffective...I'm at a loss for a better way. CGI is like any other SFX technique: it's as good as the time, effort and resources allocated. And the stuff in "Spider-Man 2" was generally awesome.
No, it's the script that needed a lot more work. OMG:
(1) "Spider-Man 2--The One Where Peter Parker Can't Keep His Damn Mask On:" There are three "dramatic unmaskings" over the course of the film, and by the end everyone in New York's had a look at his puss. It gets repetitive--and stupid--real quick.
(2) Flashing-Neon Plot Hole: Harry has no idea where Doc Ock hangs out. Doc Ock drops in on Harry--for a couple of brief visits we see in their entirety--and not the other way around. Doc Ock has no reason to tell him where he's hiding. Yet Harry somehow knows. Why? Because IITS! (It's In The Script!)
(3) Going Nowhere Fast: Big dramatic moment when Peter tells Aunt May he's responsible for Uncle Ben's death. Ten minutes later? Forgiven and forgotten. Impact on any other part of the story? Zip. WHY IS IT EVEN THERE? If Aunt May needed a reason to be pissed at Peter, there's always the way he abandoned her at the bank; that, however, is never brought up again.
(4) My Name Is Peter And I'm An Idjit: You know, if I lost MY spider-powers, my very first test to find out if they came back would NOT be leaping willy-nilly off the roof of a building.
(5) Did I Forget Something? Oh yeah, Harry unmasked me and found out my secret identity. And that I'm the same guy he wants to kill because he thinks I murdered his dad. Oh well...no big. I'll talk to him about it next week sometime if I get the chance. And if I don't forget.
(6) Priorities: Doc Ock's arms are a HUGE technological breakthrough. In fact, WAY bigger than the Glowing Ball O' Doom. No one seems to be that impressed by them, though--not even Doc Ock himself. (How much to those things weigh, anyway? You'd think one arm would always be busy just holding everything up...)
(7) Let's Do The Time Warp Again: when MJ races through New Yawk in her wedding dress, the movie plunges all the way back to the days of Adam West's "Batman."
And yet, the critics were crapping themselves over it. I won't be bothering with the third one.