LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rappers love a good feud. Whether it's East Coast vs. West Coast, or Eminem vs. everyone, the spats inspire spiteful lyrics that make for juicy listening.
Alas for catfight aficionados everywhere, rapper Ludacris has decided to take the high road with his nemesis, Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly, who cost him a lucrative endorsement deal two years ago by denouncing his lyrics as ``garbage.''
His new album, ``The Red Light District,'' which opened at No. 1 on the U.S. pop charts on Wednesday, mostly ignores O'Reilly's recent legal battle with a woman television producer over telephone sex calls she says he made to her.
``Hi, Mr O'Reilly,'' Ludacris raps near the beginning of the album. ``Hope all is well, kiss the plaintiff and the wifey.''