Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie CrisisThis movie does contain some animated scenes, but the vast majority of the movie is live action.
Country of origin: Thailand
Genre: Slapstick zombie
Story: A hero is sent to rescue a kidnapped woman in a building which has been infected with the SARS-4 virus, a virus which turns its victims into flesh eating zombies.
Acting Difficult to determine. This movie is so over the top silly, "good" acting is not necessary.
Humor: Think
Top Secret and
Naked Gun, but not as funny The jokes have a Thai flavor which is interesting. Very very silly movie.
Violence: Very violent and bloody, but no scenes of torture or prolonged suffering.
Sex: Some silly off screen sex scenes. No nudity.
Overall: This movie is not a parody of
Stars Wars, even though some web sites make this claim. One character does have a sword which is similar to a light saber, and the movie title does sound similar to the movie
Star Wars, but those are the only two similarities.
The film quality is a bit on the poor side. All of the scenes are easy to see, but there is some light graininess.
Most of the movie is very fun, but a few scenes seemed longer than necessary for me. These scenes were the "tender" scenes, which were neither funny nor bloody. "Tender" scenes may be great for some movies, but are not the best for slapstick blood-soaked zombie movies.