IzoCountry of origin: Japan
Genre: Supernatural Samurai
Story: After being crucified and horribly stabbed, Izo becomes virtually immortal, time travels against his will (think Quantum Leap), and kills the majority of people he encounters. The story is surreal, nonlinear, and contains philosophical elements.
Acting: Excellent. The English dubbing is OK and as usual the original language track contains the best acting.
Humor: Some scenes contain an element of dark humor.
Violence: Extremely violent, Izo is one of the most violent movies I have seen. One or three of the scenes are a little strong, but nothing too intense or graphic.
Sex: A few brief scenes of nudity and a sex scene with little or no nudity.
Overall: This movie is not for everyone. Izo is surreal and nonlinear, lots of weird things happen and are never explained. The philosophical message is never explicitly explained, but is danced around often and leaves room for interpretation. If you like samurais, David Lynch, large quantities of violence, and philosophy you will probably enjoy this movie. I love this movie.
Izo has seen better days.