Edited on Sun Oct-04-09 11:52 AM by Triana
(and just media in general) much worse than they are overseas. There seems to be a bigger market for tabloid trash (and the resulting hatred of tabloid junkies who believe the shit) HERE than anywhere else in the World.
For instance, the album Invincible was hardly played here due to "allegations" in 1993 and later (though the man was later aquitted on all charges in 2005 - the media decided he was guilty the minute any allegations came to light and before the trial was even over so that's what lazy people believe). Whilst overseas, people either didn't pay attention to the bullshit, or their media didn't have the lies and sensationalism on 24x7 like they did here, so the album did better - and THEY know better. The album however, CONTRARY to media contention, did quite well in spite of it all. PLATINUM is hardly a "failure".
In general, even now, those overseas - in ALL other parts of the world - KNOW what "not guilty" means - and they know trash tabloid sensationalism when they see it and they can somehow find FACTS for themselves. But here? No such. And the tabloid media is STILL putting out trash every day with the words "bizarre", "weird", "Jacko" in it. Of course they put out Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Fox "News", and Glenn Beck - as serious "journalism" too. Bwah!
ABC, CNN and MSNBC et al (with few exceptions) is on the same level here in the US as Jerry Springer and The National Enquirer. Not a dime's diff between tabloids and "news" media. It's all "infotainment" with the primary objective being corprat profit - NOT facts or truth or information beneficial for the public - so that they can be more informed voters, for instance. In fact, informed voters is the LAST thing the corprats want. (GUESS who owns the media here? Corprats.)
As a result, and because of the media, (at least partially) this is one HATEFUL, IGNORANT, judgemental country - the media serves them up what they LIKE (tabloid garbage) and they feed on it and base their world view upon it - and their view of their celebrities upon it - tearing them apart limb from limb on a daily basis. THEN - they MARVEL at the point the celebrity becomes a recluse, paranoid, or drug addict in order to cope with the constant persecution - and label them (or CONTINUE labeling them) "whacko" - Yea. Well GUESS WHO helped drive them to it? NOTICE HOW THE MEDIA IGNORE THEIR OWN CULPABILITY in helping drive him to his reclusivity, addiction, and death? Of COURSE.
This media problem in the US is part and parcel of how we got so IGNORANT and LAZY that we ended up with George bu$h and Sarah Palin as serious political figures - secondary to having Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter and the like as serious media figures. One leads to the other in a pretty damned straight line, with ignorant sheeple too lazy to think for themselves and too quick to pass judgement on someone ELSE towing it between them.
The state of the "news" media in this country IS and HAS BEEN for at LEAST 25 years - a nasty, festering boil of PUSS upon the nation. WHEN is someone going to lance the belligerant thing already so we can have OUR SANITY back, develop SOME semblance of MORALITY (REAL morality), PRY open our IGNORANT, lazy, vacuum-packed minds, and STOP destroying INNOCENT people and DECENT political figures because of it?
It's quite sad and disgusting. From Michael Jackson to health care and every issue in-between - it's the goddamned fucking lame$tream ignorant tabloid-junkie driven media that has landed us (and HIM) in this place.
I H8 them.