...get informed. Learn the TRUTH. As anyone on DU
ought to know you do NOT get it from the lame$tream media. How gullible ARE you?
Many people have made it easy for you to alleviate your ignorance. For instance, just click, read and watch. It's effortless. It's JUST as easy as watching the lame$tream media and much more informative:
http://www.reflectionsonthedance.com/http://www.thesilencedtruth.comSince WHEN does the lame$tream media tell the TRUTH about anything? And you think they're telling the truth about Jackson? They're not. They never did. And they never will. Don't continue being a member of the Ignorami. Turn OFF the TV, STOP looking at cnn.com and msnbc.com, F*x Noose, and listening to Diane Dimond, Nancy Grace, Martin Bashir, TMZ (Trash Media Zone) and the rest of the media who sensationalize, twist facts, completely ignore other facts, and outright lie, destroying lives for profit.
Who's NEXT on their list of media lynchings? YOU or someone you know? Think about it. Most of these mediawhores were NOT EVEN IN THE COURTROOM in 2005. They have NO idea what went on or that the prosecution HAD NO CASE and that's why Jackson was acquitted. You cannot convict someone of a crime when there is NO evidence. There was NO evidence because there was NO CRIME.
What the mediawhores DO know is that they have to garner the most viewers (and therefore make the most PROFITS) for their corprat taskmasters and they will say ANYTHING about ANYONE to get those ratings. I doesn't have to be true and most often is not. They planned to form an entire cottage industry out of reporting on Jackson in prison. When that didn't happen, they were all PISSED and went on a rampage, disparaging the trial results because they couldn't make money off of it as they planned. AND it showed how INACCURATE their reporting was. They had already tried and convicted Jackson in the 'court of public opinion' and were aghast at how WRONG they were about his guilt. Their a$$es had been exposed.
DUers don't KNOW that? They think that somehow, the lame$tream media was suddenly on the up and up and all truthful when reporting on Jackson - or that they are NOW? They don't tell the truth about anything else, do they? Nope. Hello? Pfft.
You have a choice. Remain ignorant. Or learn the truth. Because the next person they decide to lynch, just might be YOU or someone you know and love.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-thomson/one-of-the-most-shameful_b_610258.html"Daily Variety described the Jackson story as "a godsend for... media outlets, particularly cable news channels and local stations looking to pump up Nielsen numbers in the final week of the all-important November sweeps."
Daily Variety was right. Celebrity-oriented news shows saw figures spike when the Jackson story hit. Viewing figures for Access Hollywood were up 10% on the previous week. Entertainment Tonight and Extra both achieved season best audience numbers and Celebrity Justice also enjoyed an 8% rise."
"Encouraged by the audience boosts the Jackson scandal had produced, media outlets made it their mission to milk the case for all that they could. Entertainment Weekly's Tom Sinclair wrote, "Media mavens, from the tackiest tabloid reporter to the nattiest network news anchor, are in overdrive scrambling to fill column inches and airtime with Jacko scoops and talking heads."
"Pressure on news people is enormous," attorney Harland Braun told Sinclair. "So lawyers you've never heard of wind up on television talking about cases that they have no connection to."
Sinclair added, "And not just lawyers. Everyone from doctors, writers, and psychiatrists to convenience-store clerks who once waited on Jackson are weighing in on TV and in print."
While the media was busy badgering a host of quacks and distant acquaintances for their views on the scandal, the team of prosecutors behind the latest Jackson case was engaging in some highly questionable behavior - but the media didn't seem to care.
During the Neverland raid District Attorney Tom Sneddon - the prosecutor who unsuccessfully pursued Jackson in 1993 - and his officers breached the terms of their own search warrant by entering Jackson's office and seizing hoards of irrelevant business papers. They also illegally raided the office of a PI working for Jackson's defense team and lifted defense documents from the home of the singer's personal assistant.
Sneddon also appeared to be tampering with fundamental elements of his case whenever evidence came to light which undermined the Arvizo family's claims. For instance, when the DA found out about two taped interviews in which the entire Arvizo family sang Jackson's praises and denied any abuse, he introduced a conspiracy charge and claimed they'd been forced to lie against their will.
In a similar instance, Jackson's lawyer Mark Geragos appeared on NBC in January 2004 and announced that the singer had a 'concrete, iron-clad alibi' for the dates on the charge sheet. By the time Jackson was re-arraigned in April for the conspiracy charge, the molestation dates on the rap sheet had been shifted by almost two weeks.
Sneddon was later caught seemingly trying to plant fingerprint evidence against Jackson, allowing accuser Gavin Arvizo to handle adult magazines during the grand jury hearings, then bagging them up and sending them away for fingerprint analysis.
Not only did the majority of the media overlook this flurry of questionable and occasionally illegal activity on the part of the prosecution, it also seemed perfectly content to perpetuate damning propaganda on the prosecution's behalf, despite a complete lack of corroborative evidence. For example, Diane Dimond appeared on Larry King Live days after Jackson's arrest and spoke repeatedly about a 'stack of love letters' the star had supposedly written to Gavin Arvizo.
"Does anyone here... know of the existence of these letters?" asked King.
"Absolutely," Dimond replied. "I do. I absolutely know of their existence!"
"Diane, have you read them?"
"No, I have not read them."
Dimond admitted that she'd never even seen the letters, let alone read them, but said she knew about them from "high law enforcement sources". But those love letters never materialized. When Dimond said she 'absolutely knew' of their existence she was basing her comments solely on the words of police sources. At best, the police sources were parroting the Arvizos' allegations in good faith. At worst, they'd concocted the story themselves to sully Jackson's name. Either way, the story went around the world with not a shred of evidence to support it."AND YOU BELIEVE THESE MEDIA PEOPLE . . . Why? Let's look at some information about Tom Sneddon....from someone who was IN THE COURTROOM and saw this falsification of evidence:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x390rVfx3Qg&feature=player_embeddedThis is A-OK eh? Ya think? Falsifying evidence against someone? What if someone did this to YOU?
Folks, the lame$tream media is CORRUPT, and the judicial system is CORRUPT. Our government is CORRUPT. Yet you allow yourselves to be led around by the nose by them when it comes to Jackson. Why?
Here's a bit more about "Mad Dog Sneddon" and the Media - specifically Diane "Demon" Dimond:
http://www.mj-777.com/?p=3993THIS lame$tream media and corrupted system is where Jackson Ignorami/Haters get their 'facts' from. Oi . . . SHAME. You might try looking somewhere ELSE for a change.