Country of origin: USA
Year: 2010
Genre: Exorcism/Mockumentary
Story: The Last Exorcism is a mockumentary about an agnostic atheist who's day job is a con artist preacher who performs exorcisms. He believes "possession" is strictly a psychological condition, and if the "exorcism" is convincing enough, the "host" will be cured. After reading about an exorcism which resulted in a child's death, he decides he will only do one more, for the sake of the documentary.
Acting: Average.
Humor: The beginning is kind of funny.
Violence: Very little.
Sex: None.
Overall: Although the movie is fun,
The Last Exorcism is the least scary exorcism movie I have seen. It does try to keep the viewers guessing as to whether or not the "host" is actually possessed or not, which is fun. It's OK.