Will anyone watch? (and I would be the first to say the show jumped the shark some time back). I knew that Leary was working hard to ensure the show made it full circle to the 911 anniversary, so I started to tune in again last season--after pretty much turning my back on it after the first couple of years. This last week's episode left quite a cliff hanger that makes one wonder if the show is going to end as it began--with another mass fatality tragedy...The final call for 'Rescue Me's' 62 TruckThe FX series about New York City firefighters dealing with the aftermath of 9/11 will go out the way it came in: loud and unforgiving. And it'll do so near the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

By Joe Flint, Los Angeles Times
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/tv/la-et-rescue-me-20110902,0,2486958.storySeptember 2, 2011
For many, the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks will be a time for sober and solemn reflection. But for FX's "Rescue Me," those words have never been part of the equation.
The drama, which centers on a crew of battle-scarred New York City firefighters who try to get past the tragedy with a mix of black humor and bad choices, ends its seven-season run Wednesday the same way it arrived: loud and unforgiving.
For Denis Leary, who co-created the show along with his longtime collaborator Peter Tolan, "Rescue Me" was as much about how New York's bravest grieved as it was about his own struggles with the untimely deaths of his firefighter cousin and a childhood friend — both of whom perished in the infamous Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire.
"It's amazing how it doesn't leave you," Leary said of the 1999 Massachusetts fire. "It's right below the surface."
Below the surface is a bit of an understatement. In "Rescue Me," the aftermath of the terrorist attacks cuts through each episode like a giant fault line threatening to bring everything crashing down at any second. The men of 62 Truck are overwhelmed by survivor's guilt — most stagger toward healing, but Leary's Tommy Gavin seems to relish picking at his scabs and scars.