The past two seasons of The Office, I have noticed a change in Jim Halpert. For six seasons I cheered him on with his pranks on Dwight, but in season seven and the first two episodes of this season, I'm starting to change my mind about Jim Halpert.
His pranks on Dwight, (which was basically done to make Pam laugh) got a bit repetitive and I started to think, wow I wouldn't want to work with someone like Jim, he is actually not the nice guy he is suppose to be, he's a jerk who pisses people off for his own amusement.
The second episode of the eighth season confirmed this for me, (despite the scene later in the episode outside the tattoo parlour) Jim was cruel to Andy Bernard, when he was trying to do his speech and struggling, Jim could of helped out but Jim pushed and pushed to make a more awkward situation for Andy worse.
There was no need for this, there has been no rivalry between Andy and Jim, so I'm not if the writers are slowly trying to turn Jim into a bad guy, or if it's some sort of in joke between the writers, or if it's just me, but Jim is no longer funny, he justs comes across as the class clown who has to rely on cruel pranks to get a laugh.
Here's hoping the writers give us the old Jim back.