Edited on Sat Sep-16-06 11:33 PM by sam sarrha
to others.. i have the same neurological format as bill gates, i am a visual perceiver, a visionary.. i see the solutions not the problems, except in social situations where its blank, i cant recognize faces or remember names.. when i am in a group of people i have no idea what they are doing, it is very stressful, so much input it is like being electrocuted. since i was a child i have been abused, beaten, raped as a child, cheated and humiliated on every occasion possible many many times by others because of my disabilities. i have survived to become a fairly positive person, but i dont know how, probably meditation, My wife is a Buddhist, Buddhism has helped me a lot.. Meditation has saved my life.
i have produced products and have never made any money from them, but others have.. lots of money.. i gave up designing things..my wife wants me to try to do a particular project i made for her personal use, she says it could be prescribed by doctors and sold on the Internet. i just make little crystal radio reproductions and loop antennas..now. check out Dave.. google: Dave's Crystal radios, see what i mean, they are wonderful. i am also making an ultra lite solar, gas/electric hybrid powered commuter vehicle, it is a work in process. i made it 25 years ago, my wife wants me to restore it and at least show it in parades and as a Green Display of personal involvement in alternate transportation at craft fairs and things like that., maybe if i got a grant, we are too in debt after having 4 good jobs outsourced since 2000, we have used our entire retirement chasing jobs around 4 time zones. i am a technical savant, i do electronics and research.. but i never get thru the interviews on most jobs.. when i work i have my eye in the microscope and my nose to the grindstone.. i did 2.4 times more work, with NO errors, than anyone else on our 20 person team building electronics for the F22 and Delta3. but i get nervous and dont come across well in the interviews, i dont say the right social things.. which id dont say at work because i am WORKING.!!! why dont they get it.?? i miss out on a lot of good jobs.. i am too old and beat up to do hard labor anymore.
i want to do something about the problem, but i dont want to get sued doing it.. it isn't a big deal, i just dont want kids to get ripped off, and the guy could do a good buisness i he got it together..
thanks for your input