Days Before Election Day, and Voters Need To Know That
Palin’s Brutal Insensitivity to Wildlife Goes Beyond Wolves.
“Despite the risk of extinction, Sarah Palin has launched an all-out effort to eliminate protections for threatened polar bears - a move that could lead to more polar bears dying of starvation and drowning, and more likely killed by wealthy trophy hunters.” Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
Help support these organizations today by buying one of our shirts. Spread the word that we do not agree with the savage killing of defenseless polar bears or the actions taken by government officials that will ultimately be the cause their extinction.
To further support this cause, we now offer:One FREE t-shirt* with every first purchase of a All Life t-shirt.And we will include a FREE bumper stickerto help you support the cause. If you want a different size for the free t-shirt than the one you purchased, send an email to with the size and style.