Hello all,
I've been a member since '04, but have relegated myself to lurking status for a long time now. I also happen to be a musician and my new album just recently went live on ITunes. The music itself is pretty mellow stuff, and doesn't have much of a political bent to it, but rest easy knowing it was all written and performed by a tried and true DUer :o) I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Check it out with the link below and if anyone is feeling generous, plunk down 0.99 cents for whichever song you think sounds best.
Thanks! Gobama!
<a href="http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=292265901&id=292265873&s=143441"><img height="15" width="61" alt="Adam Ruskowitz - Boxed Wine and Bottle Rockets" src="
" /></a>