Kickstarter is a new method of funding for creative projects. Creators post projects, and backers pledge money to support those projects. There is a specific funding goal, and nobody gets charged until the goal is reached. In other words, if funding does not succeed, nobody pays anything.
So, I started a project. It can be viewed here: you like the idea and want to help, please consider making a pledge. Remember, you don't get charged unless the full amount amount is raised, so there's no immediate cost. If you can't pledge right now, please consider spreading the word. Throw the link up on your Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, your favorite forums, or whatever you have. That will help.
Also, keeping it K&R'ed here on DU will help a ton. Also, keep in mind, conservative hate sites will definitely pick this up for ridicule and mockery, so let's go the extra mile and make sure it succeeds for that reason alone.
I've been told I need to do something of this nature for years. Now is the chance for people to show their support. Again, keep in mind that if you make a pledge, you pay nothing unless funding succeeds - but don't rule out the possibility that it just might. You never know. Stranger things have happened.
No abusive replies to this post, please. If you hate the concept or have negative comments, please PM me and I'll be happy to respond. Questions are welcome in the thread.