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NEW! TV-B-Gone Pro

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-08-10 10:07 AM
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NEW! TV-B-Gone Pro
Edited on Tue Jun-08-10 10:10 AM by Ian David
NEW! TV-B-Gone Pro

The new TV-B-Gone Pro is a marvel to behold! TV-B-Gone Pro works the same way the TV-B-Gone keychain works, but it is way more powerful because it has more emitters and uses a bigger battery. Instead of the batman-like keychain, this new version looks like a small mP3 player, it even has a headphone jack for extra stealth! Easy to trigger whenever you desire with a push of the button. Like the TV-B-Gone keychain, TV-B-Gone Pro has Instant Reactivation Feature so that you can turn off many TVs in quick succession. \


* Turn off TVs up to 110 meters away!
* Includes all Gen4 TV-B-Gone Power codes for North America and Europe, covering well over 90% of all TVs in the world!
* One model for all countries!
* Small, Light-weight, looks like MP3 player!
* With small powerful rechargeable battery (charger included-battery charger is US style AC power plug)
* Dimensions:
* 2.75" (height) x 2.06" (width) x 0.26" (depth)
* 7cm (height) x 5.2cm (width) x 0.65cm (depth)


Hat-tip to:

I have no financial interest in this, but it seemed like this was the right forum to post it.

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hippywife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-14-10 08:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. While I find TVs in public places
Edited on Mon Jun-14-10 08:50 PM by hippywife
playing Fox News or some other obnoxious programming, I really have a problem with these things. No one has the right to turn off a TV that isn't theirs. And you know that's why they really market them since if you need to turn off your own TV you have a remote that does all the other things that you need a remote for.

As annoying as some programming can be, censorship by anyone is not to be tolerated.
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Toucano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-27-10 05:07 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's really not about censorship. It's about manners and courtesy.
Those who have placed all these televisions in public places (or places open to the public) have assumed that everyone wants that noise in their heads all the time. Even if well-meaning, it's rude to make that assumption.

It's even more rude to display programming that's controversial or upsetting in nature. The "audience" in this case are guests in the business or locale and it is rude to do something that might upset your guests. Any "news" broadcast should be reconsidered.

That said, rudeness of one party is no excuse for rudeness of another party. The proper response is to make the request that the channel be changed to something appropriate or the device turned off. If the responsible party is unwilling or unable to assist, you take that into account when you choose to do business with that outfit in the future.

The only excuse I can think of where this device is the answer to an annoying television is at an airport or similar large place where it can often be impossible to locate the responsible party. I was stranded overnight once at an airport that had televisions every 50 meters or so. I would have LOVED to be able to turn a couple of them off, and I am sure no one would have complained.
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