Shi'a Iran is run by a Guardian Council and they choose the Supreme Leader. They are a group of unelected assholes who choose who can go on the ballot for the schmucks to "elect." There IS no separation between Church and State, see? And that is a one-party state, in essence, because you don't get on the ballot unless the Guardians allow it.
A similar type outfit holds sway in Saudi Arabia, only they don't HAVE elections, and it is more of a dance as to who is in charge. The ruling family has the weapons and the dough, and the religious police have many, though not all, hearts and minds. Again, it's church and state, all in together.
Your little construct would lead, in the US, to a complete dismantling of the wall between church and state. There would be, at the end of the day, a GOP church and a Democratic Church, and the Independents and Atheists could just go straight to hell. The Pagans and Wiccans will have to go over the hill to do their thing, because they wouldn't fit in, either.
I won't even go into the whole "messenger" difficulty. Who are your messengers in these churches? Is it the ghosts of politicians past, or will we draw straws for Jesus, Muhamad, Moses? Shall we choose more modern figures? Abraham, Bobby, Martin and John, and all the saints? Or recent pop stars? Do we await a Messiah? Is the babe in the manger named Obama? Which Holy Book to use? Koran? Bible? Encyclopedia Britannica?
When churches adopt political-social agendas, and politicians adopt religious agendas, you are going to see a merge happening. Power is attracted to power. And you aren't even considering the High Church/Liturgical and Low Church divides--those liturgical guys would rather be caught with a dead child in their bed than be affiliated with the stompers or snake handlers.
It's totally unworkable. It's a bit icky, too, frankly. Kinda like the Catholic Church of The People's Republic of China. Not a place to find your spiritual center without looking over your shoulder in abject fear.....