No comment. down through the ages has been hard on women in general. From ancient times when their babies were sacrificed to the gods, to Greek times when they were used as prostitutes in the temples, and to a lesser degree, in modern day practices where women are discriminated against or oppressed, the implied message has seemed to be clear: Women are second-class citizens, objects of scorn or sex or service. Generally speaking, they have not been highly valued in religious circles…nor in the cultures those religions influence… until Jesus came.
God Himself elevated the status of women forever when He chose to send His own Son, Jesus Christ, to be born of a virgin. The words and actions of Jesus underscored His elevated opinion of women, as did the early church that was established in His name following His return to heaven:
His first miracle was performed in response to a plea from His mother (John 2:1-11).
His first revelation of Himself as Messiah was to a woman (John 4:25- 26).
His greatest miracle was performed at the request of two women (John 11:1-44).
His death was memorialized by a woman (John 12:1-8).
Women were included in His expanded group of disciples (Mark 15:41). Women stayed with Him throughout His crucifixion, even after the men had left (Matthew 27:55-56).
Women observed His burial (Matthew 27:61).
Following His resurrection, He appeared first to a woman (John 20:1- 16).
He commissioned women as the very first evangelists (Matthew 28:1- 10; John 20:17).
Women were included in the group of disciples who met daily for prayer after the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:14).
Ancient prophecy was fulfilled when the Spirit of God was given equally to men and women at Pentecost (Acts 2:17).
Women were among the very first “believers” or “Christians” who made up the early church (Acts 5:14; Acts 8:12; 17:4, 12).
The first church in Europe was begun with a group of women and actually met in the home of a woman (Acts 16:13-15).
The early church was staffed by many women (Romans 16:12, Philippians 4:3).
At least one early church was co-led by a woman (1 Corinthians 16:19).
The very fact that the Bible goes out of its way to carefully record all of the above reveals the intentionality of God’s purpose to reestablish the position of women to that of equality with men. His Son, Jesus Christ, not only bridged the gap between God and man through His death on the Cross that made atonement for man’s sin, He removed all barriers including that of gender, race, and nationality.
This was confirmed by the apostle Paul when he stated, There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ then you are… heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:28-29).
Today, when the Bible, which is God’s Word, is read, applied, obeyed, and lived out, women are treated with respect and honor as co-heirs with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God (1 Peter 3:7).