A sample:
The Church does not give orders? Tell that to our Lord, the prophets, the popes and all the holy Saints. The many who say such things have clearly lost their Faith and have entered the Apostasy. People may enjoy this fleeting life without listening to our Lord and His Church, but an eternity in Hell is high price to pay.
I will "believe" that all of those years in the intense heat in Milan took its toll on the Cardinal. Holy Mother, the Church, will grow stronger with Cardinal Martini in retirement.
His Eminence found the right pew, just the wrong church. There are welcoming arms here in the US for him among those Episcopalians who have not yet wandered into their own sunset or been booted by their African betters. I am certan that Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine "Oyster Expert" Jefferts Schori; his Grace, the dying ember atheist, Bishop Spong; and his Gayness, Bishop Robinson, all would want His Eminence on their side.
Martini has drunk to many martinis. How do you silence a CINO retired Catholic Cardinal who routinely speaks out against the Church on unchangeable/non-negotiable Church teachings? Let us pray for the silence of Cardinal Martini! JMJ
http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=49914Is that a particularly right wing Catholic site? Someone please tell me it is.