Amongst the legions of YouTube knock-offs that have sprung onto the Internet, aiming to appeal to interest groups who feel marginalized by YouTube's terms of services or its wide spectrum of subjects, there are some which are so disgusting and fetishistic that they really can only be explored during a reverie of private self-loathing
On the other side of the spectrum, there's GodTube, a YouTube clone that is dedicated to Christian-themed videos. And while many of the videos GodTube has to offer are no more offensive in their pervasive stupidity than the majority of YouTube's slack-jawed amateur offerings, there is something a bit insidious about them.
For the record, what is disturbing about many of GodTube's videos is not that they are done by Christians, or enthusiastically discuss topics like Intelligent Design, the immorality of homosexuality, etc. What is disturbing about GodTube is that it is an observable microcosm of the way that fundamentalist Christians have shut themselves off from any outside perspective. The result is mental and creative poverty. GodTube's videos are no more stupid than any of YouTube's videos because they mutter gibberish about intelligent design, or indulge in lame Christian-themed parodies of mainstream media. But they sure as hell are a heck of a lot funnier.
