Christians who are opposed to the war in Iraq and the trigger-happy nature of the Right in general need to speak up. There is no reason that our voices should be drowned out by a loud chorus of hawks. While Hagee and others are influencing thousands, we are influencing few. These hawkish believers need to realize that their opinions on these matters are not the only viable option for traditionalist Christians. More importantly, the Church on a whole needs a renewed debate on matters of war and peace.
Many in the pews have not been exposed to the other side in this debate. Instead alternative opinions have just been lambasted as "liberal," "unpatriotic," "cowardly," and even "heresy." What we need is more pastors and more church leaders who are willing to speak up, even in the face of opposition, and show that a conservative pro-peace position can be intelligently defended on Scriptural, moral, practical, and political grounds.
If you are a pro-war Christian reading this, you need to understand that John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed and other "Big Name" celebrities of the Christian Right do not hold a monopoly on truth. You can hold a very Biblical theology and still be opposed to the war in Iraq and aggressive militarism in general. You can even be a conservative Christian in good standing if you are occasionally critical of the Bush administration.
There is common ground here.