What we are seeing in America today has a scary parallel to 1930's Germany. When Hitler first rose to power, he did so under a banner of Nationalism and Family Values. He did not start by attacking Jews outright, but by saying he would return Germany to its glory days. Healthy lifestyles were compulsory. Abortion was banned, homosexuality and prostitution was outlawed, women were told to quit their jobs (with women out of the workforce there were more jobs for men - sound familiar?) and stay home and raise big Aryan families. Women who had more than four children and stayed home to raise them were awarded military-style medals for serving their country. Homeless people were no longer allowed to walk the streets - they were sent away to concentration camps. Other people deemed socially unfit by the state were also carted off to camps (Gypsies, migrants, etc). Mental hospitals were shut down and the patients of these hospitals were put to death (thus saving the German state millions). People with physical disabilities were also put to death. In 1935, the Nuremberg laws stripped Jews of their rights as German citizens, paving the way for what was to follow. Anyone who did not meet the Nazi standard of Family Values was an enemy of the state. But all that was to follow in what has become known as the Holocaust started under the banner of tradional family values.
Edited to add:
Now read this article by Sean Hannity and see if you see the parallel: