Published: December 12, 2004
Garrison, N.Y.
WITH the presidential election over and the holidays upon us - a religiously charged political season followed fast by the most religious time of the year in an overwhelmingly religious nation - unbelievers may be feeling a bit beleaguered. To cheer themselves up, they might visit the virtual home for a group called the United Universists.
Founded last year by a few brave souls in Birmingham, Ala., the Universism movement "denies the validity of revelation, faith and dogma" and upholds science as our most reliable source of truth. The Universists are asking atheists, agnostics and other infidels to join them in their effort to counter the influence of religious zealots in our culture. Since the recent election, the Universists have posed this question on their home page in large type: "Who will fight for the faithless?"