Speaker: David Gushee
Lawrence Carter, Dean, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel
Rabbi Brian Walt
Cathleen Kaveny, John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law and Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Mohamed Elsanousi, Director of Communications and Community Outreach, Islamic Society of North America
Gushee: ... Governments have advantages through their authority, especially among Christians raised to submit to the authority of government through the lens of Romans 13. Government also has the power of intimidation. Resisters are also at a disadvantage because they must first observe the wrong doing and can be thwarted if government can hide their wrong doing or the wronged ... White evangelicals proved especially unable to notice the shift in our policy toward torture. They were focused on the moral issues of abortion and homosexuality and blind to other moral issues. This has created an evangelical weakness in fighting for justice and human rights ...
Elsanousi: Muhammed, peace be upon him, said we must help a person whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed ... If these torturers realized they were torturing their own brothers and sisters they could never torture. Islam demands that humans act with justice even when they are overwhelmed by hate because justice is next to piety ...
Kaveny: ... The use of torture is in Catholic moral theology terms called an intrinsic evil, wrong in and of itself. Nothing can justify the use of torture; it is always wrong. The United States Conference of Bishops has issued a statement on torture as a moral issue on its website. The universality of the Catholic Church is meant to say, "wait a minute, it's not only about you," but the response to torture in America has been muted. To fully address the problem of torture, the Church has to admit we were deeply mistaken on a matter of grave moral import ... The image of Mary holding the baby Jesus in her arms, which has become the image in our minds in our approach to abortion, needs to be supplemented by the image of Mary on Good Friday. Every man who suffers torture is someone's son ...
Walt: ... We must give voice to the prophetic voice that exists in each of our traditions in the face of injustice ...
http://faithfuldemocrats.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=What-the-Torture-Debate-Reveals-about-American-Christianity.html&Itemid=147Although this is a rather old link, I'm posting it because Gushee is still doing this around the country. If you read the above, it will clear just how much difficulty people have, when they attempt to discuss this issue, and how naive even educated Americans are, as they attempt to think about political matters