Obama's Amazing Improvement Among Traditional White Catholics Vice President Joe Biden flanked by Budget Director Peter Orszag, left, and Accountability Board Chair Earl Devaney, speaks during the first Recovery Plan Implementation meeting Wednesday.We saw another historic first in the White House Wednesday, but this one involved the vice president, not the president. Joe Biden led a White House meeting with a smudge of ash on his forehead, part of his observance of Ash Wednesday. Of course, we had another Catholic in the White House, but John F. Kennedy was not, as far as I can ascertain, photographed at a public event with the sacred smudge.
It's a milestone of religious pluralism and also reminds us of the importance of the Catholic vote.
Obama-Biden won in part because they improved dramatically among Catholics. Some may have assumed that meant liberal Catholics flocked to the ticket (and they did) but a new study reveals something stunning: traditional white Catholics went for Obama-Biden in record numbers.In 2004, white traditional Catholics went 78% for the Republican, George Bush, and 22% for Democrat John Kerry, according to a survey by Prof. John Green of University of Akron. In 2008, they went 61%-39% for John McCain over Barack Obama.
That represents an amazing 17 point improvement for the Democrat.(A "traditional Catholic," according to Prof. Green's methodology, is one who is more likely than average to attend mass, pray, and read scripture; more likely to believe in God, the afterlife, scripture and the devil; and more likely to say religion is very important in their lives.)
How did a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, Protestant make such inroads? Prof. Green suggests that the first reason is the
economy. These traditional Catholics voted for Obama despite his liberal views on social issues.
The Pope As Secondary Influence. In the run-up to the Iraq war, Catholics heard Pope John Paul II's opposition and Bush's support – and sided with Mr. Bush. But that doesn't mean the pope's views didn't register at all. When the war turned south, Catholic opinion turned rapidly against it. I can't help but think the church planted seeds of doubt.
One of the reasons traditional Catholics supported Obama was because they oppose the Iraq war.The
Recessive FDR Gene. Catholics became Democrats in the early 20th century because the party welcomed immigrants and created jobs. As those Catholics grew older, they became more distant from the immigrant experience and more secure economically. They then had the luxury of worrying about other issues like crime and abortion.
In 2008, for the first time in almost 90 years, we saw an economic calamity AND a growing anti-immigrant sentiment -- both attributed to Republicans. And you had the Catholic Church preaching economic equity and support for immigrants. On some level, the children and grandchildren of the FDR Catholic Democrats may have carried "Democratness" as a recessive gene, minor, rarely seen, but ready to reawaken under just the right circumstances.
"Abortion Reduction." The survey data also showed that
about a quarter of Obama's vote came from people describing themselves as pro-life. Many of these pro-life voters picked Obama in spite of his views on abortion, not because of them, but Obama's talk about "abortion reduction" in effect gave them "permission" to vote for a pro-choice candidate on other issues.