Here's someone with a strong opinion about
the case Chad Fornan and family filed and won against John Corbett, Chad's AP History teacher who referred to creationism as "religious, superstitious nonsense":
I took AP European History more than 10 years ago. I didn't much care for the man that taught the class (sorry Mr. Meckna). I passed the AP test and even signed up for AP Comparative World Government the following year taught by the SAME teacher that I didn't care for. I thought he was a cornball and a bit of a dip and while I can't remember every little thing he did or said that I disagreed with it never once occurred to me to lodge a complaint and I certainly never would have DREAMED of suing anybody over it.
The statements Dr. Corbett made were beyond innocuous. They may dwell in the realm of personal opinions from time to time but this is an Advanced Placement European History class. This class is meant to prepare students for a test that (if they pass) will exempt them from having to take a college course in European History. The history of Europe is crucial to any kind of meaningful understanding of American History and a mature and nuanced understanding of American History SHOULD be of paramount concern to anyone interested in educational matters.
Of course the villainous Farnans and their legal representatives the loathsome Advocates For Faith and Freedom aren't interested in any of that. They completely ignore the fact that Dr. Corbett routinely generates a pass rate on the AP Euro History test higher than the national average. Or the fact that Chad Farnan is accused by fellow classmates of being asleep in class all the time.
No the only thing these festering ass sores care about is perpetuating the myth that Christianity is under attack in this nation. Despite the fact that the President of the United States is an unabashed born again Evangelical and that more than %80 of the country describes themselves as Christian.
So much for turning the other cheek.