:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Dear sir,
I'm so glad you have taken the time to write about CS-lewis and Satanism. This page was so well researched! Just think after all these years, so many Christians have been fooled into thinking he was such a Godly man. I can just imagine how many people have been led astray....just like me. I'm living proof to the lies of CS-lewis This is my story.
After I read the narnia series when I was a child, I became curious about fauns and centaurs and nymphs. I learned that they were characters of ancient greek mythology and that men of old such as Homer, Aeschylus, and Euripides wrote all about these legends. It started as an innocent facination and being a child prodigy, I studied greek so I could read about fauns as they were written about in the original langauge.
I read all about the sexual practices of the greek gods and I thought that these must be normal. I thought it was Ok for a woman to have intercourse with a bull!
I can rememember the time when my dad read "The Silver Chair" to me as a bedtime story. It was then that I became interested in beer because, all the narnian characters drank beer. I became an alcoholic because of narnia! >From there it was a down-ward spiral, I became a wizard at the age of 13, and one time in a rage I cast a spell on my mom so she would get breast cancer. I really miss mom! As a result of reading about the bad-guys the "Calormans" ( which are really just his way of portraying Arabs) I became deeply racist. As a young child I would yell out to anybody wearing a turban. I called them ragheads and sometimes I tried to pee on them (pardon my language).
I became addicted to cocaine shortly after reading about Edmund's "Turkish delight", I figured it was some kind of drug and if Edmund could eat it so could I. I talked to another guy who was in the coven with me and he said that his Dad had this white powder and it made him feel good.... which reminded me of Edmund's turkish delight.
After reading about how prince Rillian hacked off the serpents head, I thought I'd try it too. So I went into the backyard and cut off a snakes head. I really enjoyed it and it became the start of my disgusting habit of cruelty to animals.
I became sexually active at the age of 14 after reading about the "Nymphs". A kid from school told me that nymphomaniacs like sex, and I remembered that there were nymphs in Narnia. I contracted HIV at the age of 15 as a result of a promiscous life-style.
After reading about Puddleglum's burning his feet I started inflicting pain on myself. I would regularily cut and burn myself in a sadomasochistic pleasure. Finally at the age of 16, I read the "Screwtape letters", that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Right then and there I knelt on the floor and gave my life to Satan.
But now, praise the Lord, I've since been saved from the deceit of CS-Lewis. I'm now 17 and just started going to a catholic church.....but I don't understand why they eat the body of Christ or worship Mary??!!
I haven't read any good books in a while I'm thinking of reading a book.... I think it's called "Harry Potter".... do you happen to know anything about it? I hear it's really good.
JimmyThe site really IS dedicated to proving C.S. Lewis was Satanic. Hey, I'm an atheist, and even I would only go so far as to call Lewis a boring, unoriginal Christer hack: