This is not actually all that suprising. I can remember this being preached in church from when I was in Sunday School.'s environmental activists are not renowned for their faith in the power of prayer. But in the run-up to the G8 summit they should put their hands together for the Rev Richard Cizik. One of America's senior evangelical leaders, the lanky Virginian preacher is an unlikely ally of the Greens given the Christian Right's reputation for being in lockstep with the White House.
Mr Cizik is, however, in the vanguard of a striking new movement: evangelicals prodding President George W Bush to take action on global warming. And his stance cannot easily be dismissed as radical nonsense, as the Green cause is traditionally mocked by the Right.
"It is," Mr Cizik concedes, "a head-turner." But, he points out, there are two pressing reasons for evangelicals to lobby for the environment: first, the Bible enjoins man to look after what God created; second, the poor may be the first to suffer from climate change.
"When we die and each one of us meets our maker, He is not going to say, 'How did I create the world?' He is going to say, 'What did you do with what I created?' And why do I know that? Because Genesis 2:15 says we are stewards in charge of creation 'to watch over it carefully'. "How can you 'love your neighbour as yourself' if you are willing to let millions be subject to flooding and droughts caused by greenhouse gases which we, Americans, are responsible for?"