* Nicholas Lezard
* The Guardian, Saturday 25 July 2009
... the argument between the believers and the non-believers in religion has, for the most part, struck me as depressingly rudimentary, a kind of yah-boo call and counter-call which doesn't really persuade anyone away from whatever they hold to be the case already ...
But Atheism in Christianity is not at all a torture to read. Written, amazingly, in his 83rd year, if my calculations are correct, it is, instead, exhilarating to read, even if you're not entirely sure you like this kind of thing. Take, for example, the beginning of Chapter 19, "How Restless Men Are": "We in our turn have never emerged from ourselves, and we are where we are. But we are still dark in ourselves; and not only because of the nearness, the immediacy of the Here-and-now in which we, as all things, have our being. No - it is because we tear at each other, as no beasts do: secretly we are dangerous." This is resonant with urgency, recalling the sonorous, aphoristic qualities of Nietzsche or Schopenhauer, in whose tradition he follows.
This is, in short, biblical philosophy, or, rather, theodicy, which can be defined as the attempt to justify God's ways to man. As anyone who has ever thought about this subject properly should know, this is an extremely hard task. Bloch's central obsession was with utopia, which here manifests itself not as a prescriptive idea but as an inquiry into what the very existence of religion implies regarding the oppressive nature of society, and existence.
What we get here is so far removed from the traditional pieties of pulpit or homily that you can at times feel as if the world has been turned upside down. His reading of the book of Job is itself almost revolutionary: the Hebrew word which has been translated as "redeemer", as in "I know that my Redeemer liveth", should really be translated as "avenger", which casts quite a different gloss on the passage. For Bloch, the book of Job is actually a withering indictment of God, and his reconciliation with God at the end merely tacked on by the author in order to make the venting of his heresy acceptable. And you suspect that Bloch has some sympathy with the Ophites, who "interpreted the serpent of Genesis ... not only as the principle of life, but also as world-shattering reason itself," and considered that "the real original sin would have been to not have wanted to be like God at all." "Thought-provoking" hardly begins to cover it.