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France will not ban minarets: PM

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 03:20 PM
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France will not ban minarets: PM
Agence France-Presse | 12/04/2009 11:28 PM

PARIS - France will not follow Switzerland's lead and ban the construction of minarets as long as the towers blend in with the surroundings, Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Friday.

"There are very few minarets in France and they must necessarily blend in with the urban and social environment, in a harmonious and reasonable manner," Fillon said in a speech delivered as part of France's national identity debate ...

Fillon said the issue would be left to mayors to decide, based on urban planning regulations ...

"What we must fight is fundamentalism, but certainly not Muslims. We mustn't confuse everything" ...
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 03:21 PM
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1. Dutch reject motion to limit building of mosques, minarets
A motion by an orthodox Protestant Dutch political party to limit the building of mosques and minarets in the Netherlands was overwhelmingly rejected by the Dutch Parliament on Thursday.

The motion by the Reformed Political Party (SGP), which follows the teachings of the Bible, suggested that the building of mosques and tall minarets should be limited in the Netherlands. It was supported by only 12 deputies out of 150.

Supporters of the motion included two deputies from the SGP and politician Rita Verdonk, who used to be the minister for integration and immigration. Deputies from Party for Freedom (PVV) of right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders, who is known for his anti-Islamic views, also supported the motion. Presented by SGP deputy Kees van der Staaij, the motion argued that more mosques and minarets might ruin Dutch identity.

The motion was harshly criticized by Deputy Prime Minister Andre Rouvoet, who said the SGP’s stance on the issue would hurt the rights of Christians to build churches in such countries as Turkey and Indonesia ...
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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 03:33 PM
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2. ...unlike the isolationist Swiss. nt
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