If irony is not dead, it is in the ICU on life support...
It should be merry CHRISTMAS or nothing else.. if other holidays are that important get a date for them and celebrate them on their special date. I dont like to see Christmas watered down with throwing in every other celebration in the world, how would people like it if we started taking over their celebrations and calling them something else! Ha then we would really hear screams and protests! - Nancy Bell, One Million Moms on Facebook
The War On Xmas, not just for Americans anymore...
Christmas is Christian - if you are not prepared to respect it then ruddy well get lost and have the guts to invent your own festivity. And please don't come the pc garbage about Christians turning the other cheek. How very convenient for you! Christians have always been for righteousness and justice. So keep pushing pc brigage, keep pushing - but just remember, what goes around comes around. And your immoral filth will not go unnoticed. And you can read that anyway you like. It's time for a counter revolution: BRING BACK MORALITY (that's right, the dreaded 'M' word) TO ENGLAND!!! We Christians made this country. We made Europe. We gave you civlisation and you puke all over it. And you know what you can do with your cowardly snide comments about Christian hypocrisy and all the rest of it. At least we believe in something. The snide merchants? Total nihilists without either the guts or the brass to stand up for what they really want: narcisistic anarchy. What a bunch of wimps!! - John Halton, Daily Mail
Special Award For Excessive Gentility...
"Religiously offensive holiday card at Hallmark" - I went into my local pharmacy chain to purchase holiday cards. I picked up what I thought was a cute Channukah card to send to my college daughter. It read (on cover)"Dreidel? Check Latkes? Check Menorah? Check"
The inside reads "The fortitude to put up with all that goyim Christmas music? Oy!"
As a Christian as well as a polite person I find this extremely offensive. There were NO Christmas cards making fun of any other religion or tradition. Nor should there have been. Oh, did I forget to mention that this is a Hallmark Tree of Life card?
An apology would be nice but most importantly I feel that Hallmark should pull this offensive card from CVS stores and anywhere else it was distributed. I think this is fair since Hallmark is the premier seller of Christmas cards. - Gail-ann S. , planetfeedback
EXTREME Gentility Award...
(From a thread about boycotting Jewish stores during Christmas) - Exactly. If the jew has to tell you "Merry Christmas" to close the deal, they will say it. In fact the Talmud openly encourages such deceptive behavior.
This was the same behavior they exhibited in Inquisition-era Spain when they would publically go to Catholic Mass but continue to sacrifice Christian children during Passover for their matzo recipes and other satanic uses. - Caicus, Stormfront <12/15/2009 9:11:30 AM>
Take Your Country Back From...Somebody!
Those with NO moral and values will find humor in filth, porn and the likes. It's amazing how people are all for this garbage and subscribe to it in their homes but block it from the kiddies, makes me wonder how your children will grow up. Shelter them when they're young and then let them do, see, listen to as they so wish too. This country is going down hill faster than fast. No one wants the Pledge of Allegiance said in schools anymore (I Do). No one wants "In God We Trust" on our U.S. Currency (I DO). No one is allowed to say, "Merry Christmas" (I DO). We're all for gay marriages (I"M NOT) and so much more. When are folks going to wake up and take this country back to the way it use to be. Decent and proud to me an American. Kerry Walsh, One Million Moms on Facebook <12/14/2009 8:56:53 PM>
Apparently President Obama wants to change the Xmas holiday to something Indonesian/Muslim, but I didn't get this memo and am just confused:
this is what happens when america "drinks the punch" and just give the presidency to the first person who inspires them!!! is this the kind of "hope" and "change" the liberals idiots REALLY wanted? i dont think he has the authority to move OUR holiday beacause he's not OUR president consitering HE WAS BORN IN INDONISIA AND WENT TO A TERRORIST SCHOOL!!!! what has our country come to....disgraceful.... - Michael Rinderman, 1,000,000 strong against Obama moving Christmas!!! - Michael Rinderman, 1,000,000 strong against Obama moving Christmas!!! on facebook