Powerful post from defender of the faithless PZ Myers:
http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/03/now_thats_what_atheists_look_l.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+scienceblogs%2Fpharyngula+%28Pharyngula%29Now that's what atheists look like

I have something in common with these guys. That's the Polish death metal band Behemoth, and you can see that they look like real atheists: cadaverous, lots of black leather and spikes, with nice metal jewelry in odd places on their clothing.
Uh, none of that is at all like me.
Here they are in performance. I rather like it, but be warned: it's loud and harsh. See if you can spot the resemblance now:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrvv0HRKgqgGet it?
OK, I'll explain, since I guess it isn' quite so obvious. At the beginning of that clip, the lead singer, Nergal, is tearing up a Bible and throwing the pages out to the audience. Hey, I've done that in some of my talks!
Remind me, though, never to do that in Poland. Poland has a law on the books making it a crime to insult the Roman Catholic Church. Offend a Catholic priest, and they can throw you in jail for two years. It's an even vaguer version of a blasphemy law, and it's actually being used to silence a marginal and slightly weird critic of the church.
Oh, sure, Nergal looks scary and fits a certain stereotype. But he's nowhere near as horrifying as this fellow:

That's Marcial Maciel, good buddy to Pope John Paul II and Pope Ratzi, leader of an obscenely rich conservative organization called the Legion of Christ, serial pedophile, and vile monster.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHyhdaTQCS4&feature=player_embeddedNergal has been charged with insulting the Catholic church and faces a trial that could put him away in jail for a few years. If he dodges that, or when he gets out, I think he should change his act for safety's sake. Instead of dressing like a refugee from hell and tearing up Bibles, he ought to put on a priest's cassock and clerical collar and rape a child on stage. Not only would it be more frightening, but it's behavior the Church does not find offensive. Unless you're caught, of course.