“I fear that somewhere in the parry and thrust of that discussion model the overall concept of our posts may be lost.”
Sadly it was lost from the outset for most of your post refers to broad societies and communities.
Here’s what I said and asked-
“I am not talking here about the deliberate or organic establishment of villages, towns or nations but the coming together of people from different backgrounds to form communes…conscious deliberate community building.
There have been thousands of examples- secular, religious and political throughout history.
Can you find me an example of a secular/political commune that has lasted beyond a hundred years?”
“… when I said "this is only the beginning," I did NOT mean that these organization or this secular movement are just getting started. (I really think you already knew that.)"
Nope, I took it to mean this is only the beginning of the development of secular charitable organizations. (Your psychic radar is still down)
“…and in all of that time, we have not once discovered a single behavior among them that would qualify as religious or worshipful.”
Ahhh, dear me, I never tire at the arrogance of certainty ;-)
Ever heard the name J Goodall in association with primate research?
Do a Google. Try keywords- Goodall, chimpanzee, waterfall, worship.
Then come back and tell me like an expert “we have not once discovered a single behavior among them that would qualify as religious or worshipful.”
“ Your attempt at dismissal and your little winking smiley are unwarranted.”
Google Goodall and see that my knowing wink was perfectly warranted.
Here’s a start-
http://www.brontaylor.com/environmental_books/dgr/green_religion_ch_2.html(Do I believe it?...I don’t have to…it’s a “single behaviour discovered”)
To the core-
“This is also the closest example I can find to your loaded request of”-
Can you find me an example of a secular/political commune that has lasted beyond a hundred years?"
1/ I would be curious to know why you think the question is in any way loaded.
2/ Your “closest example” broadly describes whole indigenous tribes/nations/societies.
3/ This is not an example of a commune
4/ The societies you describe were far from secular.
(Even from this distance, I have read my ‘Burry My Heart at Wounded Knee’, ‘The Fetterman Massacre, and heard the song of Wakan Tanka)
Most importantly-
There have in fact been a significant number of specific deliberate attempts at establishing purely secular communes and communities going back over the last 3-4 hundred years . Some gathered on an atheist/political basis, some gathered on an atheist/philosophical basis…even atheist/lesbian. There is still the remnant of Australian atheist/socialists who went to Argentina to establish a commune.
Every single one of these efforts at establishing community, including the great Western flood of communes from the 60s, has failed.
While some religious communes have endured for hundreds of years.
“Why, you might ask, can I not find a completely secular society to answer your challenge?”
Your fudging and dodging the question, it did not relate to “secular society” but to “a secular/political commune”. A whole ‘society’ is a big thing to build and maintain. I deliberately made the objective easier. A commune/community is a different/easier fish. There has been the time, energy, will, recourses and a good number of attempts made at establishing secular communes.
Where are they?
From the micro to the macro-
“Because no completely secular society has ever existed in written history. From time immemorial, humans have been a superstitious lot, and even in Communist Russia or China under their craziest dictators, there has been no such thing as a truly secular society”.
Well the “superstitious lot” have not only managed to build enduring communes, but whole societies and great civilizations. I did not (though I could have and might) ask why there are no atheist societies/civilisations (bar Nth Korea;-)??I asked for the inkling of an embryo…a successful attempt at establishing an atheist/secular commune.
“Maybe one day there will be such a thing as a purely secular society, and when that happens you can count on the fact that there will still be communities/surrogate families built…”,
No I can’t, and you can’t project into a “Maybe one day” future and call anything a “fact”. Especially if the history of attempts- from Soviet collectives, to the Great Leap Forward, to every single secular communal effort in the West…has failed.
“It may appear that way to you, but my experience is completely different, and I again suggest to you Native American culture for further reading”.
First of all, in respect to the Elders of the traditional landowners, let me belatedly welcome your words to Gunditjamara and Kirrae Whurrong country.
If you are suggesting that indigenous communities within a broader dominant culture have a far deeper sense of community and extend family surrogacy then yes, clearly and definitely. I live in the midst of such community and understand the dynamics of ‘community from disaster’
(See M Scott Pecks work on True Community).
But I’ve done enough reading to know that Native American culture does not constitute a secular society…let alone an attempt at establishing a secular commune.
“Tell me of ANY society or community, secular or otherwise, that DOES set out deliberately to do what you wish.”
My “wish”/request remains- to see examples of people coming together (from within broader society/s) and, under the umbrella of their secular/atheistic or religious philosophy to create a commune or distinct community.
Thousand of attempts HAVE been made, many with the explicit intent of showing the world how it can be done, how to live together, without superstition/ personal property/ religion (whatever) getting in the way. This has been going on since before the French revolution. The time, resourses, secular philosophy and willing participants have all been available.
Can you show me a single successful/enduring secular commune?
“Your search will come up empty.”
I don’t know why you continue to attempt to predict or prompt the response…your strike rate thus far has been zero.
Narrowing my vast selection…Which of the thousands of Buddhist or Christian communes that have lasted hundreds of years would you care to discuss?
“Societies and communities are not, and never have been, driven by the idea of taking care of the "least of these but instead they are driven by the ideas of continued survival, progress, protection, and prosperity for the group.”
You keep referring back to broader “societies”…the question relates to deliberate attempts to create communes/communities…living examples of the governing philosophy- religious or secular.
There have indeed been communes and communities established on the principle of “taking care of the least of these” . That was the objective of tens of thousands of collective farms/communes in the Soviet and China and is clearly a central founding principle of Christian communes.
In all cases the “continued survival, progress, protection, and prosperity for the group” was dependent on the success/endurance of these communal endeavours.
“What do you want, a cookie?”
Nope, I want to know if, from all the attempts to establish secular/atheist/political/philosophical communes that showcase the governing belief (or absence of belief ;-) you can come up with a single successful example?