“The most obvious answer is the healing causal power of a mental belief called 'placebo effect'.”
The opposite end of the spectrum from the 'placebo effect' would be phenomena such as ‘Pointing the bone’-
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KurdaitchaAs I understand it is difficult to believe or ‘will’ oneself to death and yet Aboriginals who have had the bone pointed at them do so even in spite of medical intervention. ie. There is no physiological reason for the patient to die other than their belief that they must.
I have no more to add on the subject of mind over matter but did want to take the opportunity to thank you for bringing Sheldrake to my attention.
I watched the Google video, found the dogs going to the window experiment interesting but the images of birds and fish in motion was most compelling.
I was reminded of an article in Scientific American Scientist in the 60s regarding colonies of Army Ants.
I think this is the link but cant be sure-
Army Ants: A Collective Intelligence, Franks, Nigel R.
http://connection.ebscohost.com/content/article/1024300679.html;jsessionid=95888DC838A82BBD83912D4619AC9F9B.ehctc1Army ants communication is completely dependent on chemical messaging and trail pheromones. These methods of communication act as a stimuli for changing behavior patterns. Unlike other ants, army ants do not have compound eyes, but instead have single eyes. Army ants are also blind and have to use their antennae to sense smell and touch. The army ants use these senses to communicate in nesting and raiding.
The researchers had determined the time it took for a message to be sent from column to nest by either chemical messaging or touch signal and yet the nest responded to interruptions in the column well under the time it took for a signal to be sent. This led to speculation that individual ants may represent ‘cells’ in a single organism.
If so, with ant nests known to stretch over kilometers, it would make them the largest organism on earth…
Sheldrake and others are right about the ‘Morphic Field’…in which case, if demonstrated…could we humans be considered cells in the body of humanity?