- ß ñêàçàë íåëåïîñòü, íî...
- Òî-òî è åñòü, ÷òî íî... - êðè÷àë Èâàí. - Çíàé, ïîñëóøíèê. ÷òî
íåëåïîñòè ñëèøêîì íóæíû íà çåìëå. Íà íåëåïîñòÿõ ìèð ñòîèò è áåç íèõ ìîæåò
áûòü â íåì ñîâñåì íè÷åãî áû è íå ïðîèçîøëî. Ìû çíàåì ÷òî çíàåì!
Alesha: I said something absurd, but ...
Ivan: "That's it, precisely!" shouted Ivan. "You know, novitiate, that absurdities are far too needed on earth. The world is grounded on absurdities, and without them absolutely nothing on earth could occur. We know what we know!"
(I think that's an accurate translation, too hurried to actually track a published one down)
Some parts of BK I love, others are a bit to Manichaean for my tastes. But it's been years since I've read it, so maybe it's time to track down my copy and read it again.
On edit: you'll have to set your character code to either Windows or Unicode Cyrillic (I wrote in unicode, but browsers and servers sometimes handle Cyrillic rather strangely.
Oh, and the text is cut from