of debunking. In other words, instead of letting the opposition make statements during a debate, like (with Social Security), "It's YOUR money!" and getting away with it. It would be great to hear a Dem actually get into a debate about our respective core beliefs, or at least to point out where their beliefs are faulty. After all, they've successfully been perpetuating their myths and we haven't replaced them with the truth, at least not in the collective public mindset.
I wasn't even sure where to post this thread, and wondered if perhaps it belongs in the "framing the issues" forum.
Anyway, just a few core beliefs that I think they have and that need to be challenged:
1) That individuals are basically evil, and they need to be "ruled" and disciplined. (The unstated assumption being that "rulers" are basically goo, I guess!)
2) That the USA is entitled to have more power than any other country in the world, because it's special and blessed by God.
3) That U.S. corporations are entitled to the rest of the world's resources (because we're the "biggest and the best," maybe?)
I think it's important to pinpoint the basic/core beliefs/principles of our own party AND of the opposition party. At least in knowing theirs, we can try not to adopt them and reframe/provide our own (better) solutions.
BTW, I JUSY found this VERY
a propos article at a humor website:
"George Bush Releases Revised Republican Bible"
http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i8791&rating=5The final paragraph from his version of the creation story:
"Then God decided to make some Rich People that he would call Republicans made in his very own image and he would give them all of this wonderful real estate and the riches and bounty of the Earth because they really deserved it because they were Republicans just like him! So he made the Republicans and off-shore banks and gave them lots and lots of money and oil and servants and slaves and lesser people to serve their many needs…”Hilarious and sadly true - in some peoples' minds!