The SUBJECT line is sarcasm, for the irony-impaired who may be reading.
Vanguard: Missionaries of Hate caught it tonight on cable, on one of those low-tier On Demand channels. So that's another option.)
Good, if blood-boiling, 45-minute documentary on the Ugandan government bill to punish homosexuality with the death penalty.
The program smokes out the American evangelicals who worked behind the scenes to support the bill. Including that platitude-peddling fuck Rick Warren, who later tried to distance himself from the can of worms he helped open up.
As the show points out, this bill only came up after a spring 2009 conference in Uganda, where American missionaries bombarded Ugandans with anti-gay propaganda. Warren and some other major Bible-thumpers attended the conference.
One of the Americans, Scott Lively, says that a bill allowing the death penalty is
"the lesser of two evils." The greater evil being "allowing gays to ruin Uganda, like they've ruined America and Europe."
Mr. Lively is the author of "The Pink Swastika," which claims that gays invented Nazism. (But just today on Xian radio in Los Angeles, I heard that gays invented socialism. No, I'm not kidding. That was on a drive-time radio show hilariously entitled "The Intersection of Faith and Reason.")
Other interviews include Ugandan activists and ordinary gay people, who truly fear for their lives.
Ugandan Xians and Muslims, frequently at each other's throats, are making common cause against gays in this fight. Most of the public meetings prominently featured imams and covered women sharing the stage with
The show is worth watching, just to see Rev. Dr. Ssemba screening hard-core gay porn in his church. While screeching that "American gays want to eat our children's poo-poo!"
Yes, he really said that.
As always, I can't wait for the wailing and lamentations of "they're not REAL Xians" from the lib-Xers and faithiests...