I'm calling it the "HE God Woman Haters".
Our founding ideas? 1. God created MAN first and in HIS image. 2. God created woman from MAN to be his companion. 3. MAN's fall is due to woman's indiscretion and impurity.
Our principles? 1. Women will be subservient to men. They will not work or speak outside the home. They will venture outside the home only when necessary, only under male escort, and only under modest coverings. 2. Women will be subservient to men. They will give themselves freely to their husbands, and they will bear and raise their children without complaint or option of termination. 3. Women will be subservient to men. A daughter may only leave the house of her father when she is married for profit to the man of her father's choosing. 4. Women will be subservient to men. Their virginity and fidelity to their chosen husband will be secured through female genital mutilation. 5. Women will be subservient to men. Should a woman KNOW a man other than her chosen husband, she shall be put to death. Her punishment shall only be stayed if 4 other men can testify that she KNEW the scoundrel unwillingly, and then the scoundrel shall be forced to pay damages to her husband for his trespass...
Oh, wait, somebody already beat me to this...
I want to make something perfectly clear: The First Amendment is not the ONLY amendment, and it is very important to understand its TRUE meaning.
The First Amendment guarantees the right of people to practice their religion in THREE very important ways. Free speech (for what is religion if not a special form of speech?), free exercise, and lack of Establishment. Taken together with the spirit and some of the letter of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, I propose that the Constitution lays down as the law of the land the following simple rule:
You are free to openly practice your religion anywhere within the US insofar as this practice does not deny to ANY others ANY of the rights, including religious, enumerated within the Constitution.
Oppression is indefensible. Denial of rights, of education, of medical care, of free reign over the small bit of turf contained within your own skin is IN. DE. FENSIBLE. And it is criminal to allow it, and it is disgusting to stand up for it, in a land of the ostensibly FREE.
And if saying so makes me rude, so be it. If the statement "anyone who believes in the principles of the He God Woman Haters is an awful example of humanity, a threat to themselves and to others, and shouldn't be allowed to EVER raise children" makes me intolerant, then intolerant am I. :rant: