tourists..and maybe some reporters, were stranded in a hotel room..but that help finally was available to get them out via helicopter..they had to walk through the standing water..to get to where the copter would land...sooooooooooo...the lady reporting this says...there were doctors with us..stranded too...so they...get this........."commandeer" antibiotics from a abandoned Walgreen's across the street, to give to the folks who had to walk through the water...she said this proudly..and the interviewer made no comment...as if..well of course u did...u needed those antibiotics, etc. when white tourists and reporters loot...well, then it is called "commandeering". i am so ashamed of my country. i thought, as your paster when they talked about "looting" TVs...i lived in florida for many years..many hurricanes...and one of the first things i would "commandeer" if i could would be a tv...in such a situation, information is like food...and if u can get it, you will.