F---ing magnets. How do they work?
Category: Creationism • Kooks
Posted on: November 3, 2010 by PZ Myers
First, he complains about Richard Feynman (I know! Comfort vs. Feynman sounds a bit like Bambi vs. Godzilla), because he didn't give a simple answer to the question about how magnets repel and attract, but actually goes on at length about what are good questions before explaining succinctly that these forces are everywhere, we just take them for granted. It might be annoying if you want a one-sentence answer, but aren't willing to accept "go master Maxwell's equations" as that explanation.
http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/11/magnets_how_do_they_work.php I have always been attracted to magnets, because the repulsive force really fascinates me. Of course a small number of atheists won’t know what I am talking about, because magnetic repulsion is invisible. You can’t see it, touch it, taste it, hear it, or smell it, therefore it doesn’t exist.
All I saw was a very uncomfortable man dance around in circles, until he finally admitted that he didn’t have a clue as to why magnets do what they do. He just didn't know. He reminded me of how the typical believer in evolution reacts when he’s pushed into a corner, and asked for an evidential explanation of the theory.
http://raycomfortfood.blogspot.com/2010/11/am-i-wrong-about-this.htmlSome great comments in both blogs.