The Declaration of the Testimony (Shahada)
To convert to Islam and become a Muslim a person needs to pronounce the below testimony with conviction and understanding its meaning:
I testify “La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.”
The translation of which is:
“I testify that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and that Muhammad is a Messenger (Prophet) of God.”
--from an
Islamic apologetics site, kind of the Islamic counterpart to the Christian
Reasons to Believe site that tries to bridge the gap between faith and science.
What is interesting, is that just like with Christianity if you become "saved", all your sins will be forgiven:
With the pronunciation of this testimony, or “Shahada”, with sincere belief and conviction, one enters the fold of Islam.
Upon entering the fold of Islam purely for the Pleasure of God, all of one’s previous sins are forgiven, and one starts a new life of piety and righteousness. The Prophet said to a person who had placed the condition upon the Prophet in accepting Islam that God would forgive his sins:
“Do you not know that accepting Islam destroys all sins which come before it?” (Saheeh Muslim)
When one accepts Islam, they in essence repent from the ways and beliefs of their previous life. One need not be overburdened by sins committed before their acceptance. The person’s record is clean, and it is as if he was just born from his mother’s womb. One should try as much as possible to keep his records clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible.
But once you convert, don't dare have second thoughts...
The Holy Quran and Hadeeth (prophetic sayings) both stress the importance of following Islam. God states:
“...The only religion in the sight of God is Islam...” (Quran 3:19)
In another verse of the Holy Quran, God states:
“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).” (Quran 3:85)
In another saying, Muhammad, the Prophet of God, said:
“Whoever testifies that there in none worthy of being worshipped but God, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and Prophet, and that Jesus is the Slave of God, His Prophet, and His word<1> which He bestowed in Mary and a spirit created from Him; and that Paradise (Heaven) is true, and that the Hellfire is true, God will eventually admit him into Paradise, according to his deeds.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
Kind of sounds like what Mormons believe, that someone who coverts to the faith but later falls away from the faith is bound for a worse after-life than someone who never knew about Mormonism in the first place. So maybe its better not to convert in the first place...
All who claim to be prophets or receive revelation after Muhammad are imposters, and to acknowledge them would be tantamount to disbelief.
Looks like they learned from the mistake that Judaism made of leaving room for a future prophet or messiah... after all, a widely successful religion can't have someone else coming along later on down the road and having a new revelation or it might diminish the previous religion's flock. That's one problem with Christianity, is that they are still expecting a "second coming" of Jesus. Leaves open the possibility of someone else down the road introducing new revelations like with Mormonism.
But how do you reason with people who are convinced you are destined for Hellfire if you don't believe in their creed? Makes you wonder why there are more (open) atheists in Western societies, than there are in most Middle Eastern ones... or maybe the reason is self-evident. :shrug: