Well, in all honesty, these are the Virgin Mother herself's own words -
"If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.” Notice the quotation marks? Those were used because those were The Virgin Mary's exact words retold 150 years later by Sister Adele. I'm serious. Sister Adele, born Adele Brise was that Nun in Wisconsin who the Vatican recently recognized as some holy something, cant remember what at the moment, you know the one who saw Mary in visions between 2 trees back in the mid 1800's (there's another thread about that in RT). They actually have these fragments from the 2 trees Mary appeared between, so, you know, that's pretty good evidence that that's what she said right? This is a photo of the reliquary thing where they store the tree pieces.

and the actual tree pieces.

Oh, back to the Jesus burning people alive part.
Soon after (well, nearly 12 years after (I'm serious, read on you'll see!!)) that Adele Brise had the vision of Mary between the 2 trees where Mary told her "If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.” Jesus sent fire tornado's down from heaven and burnt a huge piece of Wisconsin killing over 2,500 people, a huge amount more than died in the Chicago fire - that happened on the same day. I guess, because people didn't convert and say the right words, but, more people died in that fire than the Chicago fire and they happened on the exact same day too. There weren't saying that they knew Jesus caused the fire that killed between 1,200 and 2,400 people, because people wouldn't convert see, they just think is strange that it happened so soon (12 years later) to that vision. Strange coincidence huh?
The fire was called
The Peshtigo FireThis is what the official website says about the fire.
We do not propose to pass judgment on the reasons for this catastrophe, but, one day short of 12 years after the Robinsonville apparition, on October 8, 1871, the great calamity fell and a tragedy begat a miracle. The Belgian colony which embraced a large part of the peninsula and included Robinsonville, was visited by the same whirlwind of fire and wind that devastated Peshtigo.
When the tornado of fire approached Robinsonville, Sister Adele and her companions were determined not to abandon the Chapel. Encircled by the inferno, the Sisters, the children, area farmers and their families fled to the Shrine for protection. The statue of Mary was raised reverently and was processed around the sanctuary. When wind and fire threatened suffocation, they turned in another direction to hope and pray, saying the rosary. Hours later, rains came in a downpour, extinguishing the fiery fury outside the Chapel. The Robinsonville area was destroyed and desolate…except for the convent, the school, the Chapel, and the five acres of land consecrated to the Virgin Mary. Though the fire singed the Chapel fence, it had not entered the Chapel grounds. Those assembled at the Chapel, realizing that they had witnessed a miracle, were asked by Sister Adele to retire to the Convent, where they were made as comfortable as possible for the rest of the night.
What’s more, the only livestock to survive the fire were the cattle brought to the Chapel grounds by farmers and their families who came to the Shrine seeking shelter from the firestorm. Though the Chapel well was only a few feet deep, it gave the cattle outside all the water they needed to survive the fire, while many deeper wells in the area went dry. Hence, the Chapel well has been sometimes referred to as the “miraculous well”.
LINKAnyway, I was bored and started looking around at the official website and it's all so freaking weird lol.