Edited on Tue Jan-25-11 02:43 AM by peopleb4money
So there might actually be something to Jesus being born before temporal time, being that I see the trinity as addressing how consciousness relates to space and time. Being anointed in the holy spirit is when subject(the individual) realizes their relationship with the whole. The next evolutionary phase for humanity, if we don't blow our selves up before then, will be achieved through this kind of awareness that shows the individual that we are all part of the same system and that to hate others is to ultimately hate yourself. I believe every major evolutionary step in the formation of the universe was driven by this type of revelation.
I think all reality is just different, layered forms of consciousness and that were one of the newer, more complex forms to come out. When eukaryotic cells came into being, I think the prokaryotic organelles they descended from faced similar difficulties as we do. The organelles, being these simple, conscious systems didn't really work in unison to begin with much. They were probably a lot more dysfunctional, and I think each organelle had the same issues of ego that individuals have today. They had conflicts of interests. Since our minds are constructed of chemical transmitters, and there's a conscious nature to it, I think the organelles, that also communicate by chemical transmission, had a more simplified but conscious nature too. Probably a lot of the pre-eukaryotic, symbiotic colonies collapsed, but one or a few took hold, and were its legacy today.
We might collapse, but we might be one of the ones that make it to exploring space. The driving force behind it all is more interesting and novel forms of consciousness. For the organelles it may have been a handful of choices in states of consciousness that entailed chemical detection. Combined into one organism, I think it expanded the range of experiences for the whole that would have been felt separately when divided. A kind of trinity/enlightenment experience descendeded over them where they realized their oneness with their selves and the laws governing them and started functioning in harmony. For us, our novel experience ranges from money, entertainment, iPhones, cell phones, music, religious epiphany, communion, and so many other states of novel experience to choose from nowadays. The internet is kind of this system that's emerging that might, very well, become sentient. Its already a lot like an organism, and were the organelles erecting it and keeping it alive and evolving. The market and human behavior is a kind of natural selection mechanism for its development. If our species and the net stays around, we'll probably grow more and more integrated with it. Were already very dependent on it, and its shaping humanity into a global identity. When we can communicate and share perspectives, its literally consciousness expanding.
Evolution is thought of a process that's completely directed by external causes before one's born, but I also believe free will plays a direct role too. The archeopteryx had to make a free will decision to fly, our ancestors had to make a free will decision to get out of the trees, and we have to make a free will decision to not blow ourselves up. Behavioralists will just say we have no free will and that;s all genetics, but I think that's just a way of ignoring the mystery of consciousness. Where prokaryotic evolution was initially driven by competition pressures, there came a point where there was no other place o advance except collaborate in a very unstable, symbiotic colony that would later become multi-cellular life. We need to do the same as a species and follow the model of Christ, I see as an archetypal pattern woven into the fabric of the universe. I don't think the names really matter as much as the form, which I think, thematically, reoccurs with different names in different belief systems.. Were at a tipping point. Its so volatile right now that we could loose all 4 billion years of evolutionary progress. There's enough nukes to do it.