I see a lot of bashing of that here and was reading some comments by someone on another site summarizing a bunch of churches she was sampling that had that. I understand the connotations, it sort of reminds people of the blatant brainwashing in Jesus Camp and seems kind of cult-like. But really, I was thinking of all the secular music I go to, which consists of people jumping on top of each other, carrying each other threw the crowd, and slamming into each other and getting far more moved and I have to wonder what makes this so extreme. And for the record, the above happens for Christian music too (and no I'm not talking about the unbearable CCM crap everyone associates with Christian rock, more like this:
And really, if I'm going to go to church, something I didn't do for years, I want there to be some type of passion. Honestly a bunch of people mindlessly reciting sayings led by someone wearing a white robe strikes me as far more cult-like and kind of disturbs me at a level beyond where it bores me. And honestly yes, it does feel like it lacks passion. I actually thought the girl in Jesus Camp who was mocking more mainstream churches actually had a bit of a point when she accused their services of just being souless reciting of something like "We worship you o Lord" over and over again. That's probably the only time in that whole movie I actually thought they were right about something.
I've just felt like a bit of an oddball lately. I obviously don't want to go to a church that preaches typical evangelical stuff but I don't want to go to one with Catholic-esque rituals either just because they might not be as backward on gays and have women priests, that still doesn't fix the root issue for me. Interestingly I appear to have found one with the charismatic-style worship (but no speaking in tongues mind you!) and a fairly progressive agenda, but it still just feels odd to me that more people aren't wanting places like this. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one here like this.