Why? Well because Planned Parenthood would get money to refer women to providers who offer screenings. Can't have that, now can we?
http://www.kgw.com/home/Catholic-bishops-pull-support-for-Komen-over-abortion-concerns-129128143.htmlPORTLAND - A dispute over Planned Parenthood funding has led Catholic bishops to pull their support for the Susan G. Komen For the Cure foundation for breast cancer research.
In the letter dated Friday, September 1, the American Life League said Roman Catholic bishops in Ohio ordered a ban on raising funds in their dioceses' institutions, after a report showed 18 Komen affiliates gave more than half a million dollars in grants to Planned Parenthood last year. Portland's Race for the Cure is the second largest fundraiser in the country for the Komen foundation.
A Komen statement from June, said the funding was only meant for breast cancer research in the "best or only local place" where women can get exams for breast cancer.
Komen spokesperson Leslie Aun said Friday the ban was unfortunate, since their funding goes strictly for un- and under insured women's breast health. The non-profit's funding to Planned Parenthood only provides referrals for mammograms, which are only done by other health providers.