I live in a red state and all the fundies I run into do NOT understand about equal relationships.
They all think the man has to dominate the woman, and that's their justification for being cruel, angry control freaks that beat their wives. Yes, I know one who has beaten his wife.
The neighbor woman next door (who has a six foot tall torture device in her front yard) told me "The man does the outside work, the woman does the inside work."
I said, "Well I like to do my gardening and work with my flowers. I enjoy it." She had a few plants outside she tried to keep nice.
My stepson used to be a fundie and I tried to explain to him that DH (his father) and I discuss everything we are going to do. He doesn't tell me what to do and I don't tell him what to do. We talk about it and come to a mutual decision about everything. Stepson said that he had to tell his harpie former wife what to do and forbid her from doing some things. I don't know what those were.
Stepson, after being raised as a fundy in Tulsa by his mother, after his father ran off screaming and got a divorce, has just recently become an atheist. He's almost forty years old and is very immature due to his fundamentalist upbringing. I told him, "You don't have to be afraid of the world. There's a lot of interesting people and places out there." We took him to a Benihana and it blew his mind!!!! He had no idea about Japanese cooking.
He's been divorced from two fundamentalist harpies that drove him nuts. Now he's hanging out with a very intelligent girl who has her own successful business.
Maybe now he understands about equal relationships. I do not like religions that oppress women which includes the Abrahamic ones.