Edited on Sun Sep-11-11 10:26 AM by Boojatta
Some people are born in the wrong place. They are born into the chosen gender (chosen to be cannon fodder). If their parents had been born in Europe before Cromwell, then their parents would have been kept out of England. They would have been in continental Europe, apart from the rest of the population, segregated in the places that were called "ghettos" before other meanings for the English-language word "ghetto" were adopted.
Yes, the time is now. Merely because they are born in Israel, are male, and have Jewish parents, they are required by law to put their lives and limbs at risk when they reach the age 18. Remember, we oppose discrimination based on age. If a woman is dismissed from employment after 25 years of loyal service purely she has reached the chronological age 50, then we don't call this justice. If the Nobel prize is awarded for a work of literature and it is discovered that the author is still 17 years old, and the prize is revoked based purely on the age of the author, then we do not call this justice. If Walmart advertises "Jobs Available. We Do Not Hire People Over the Age of Thirty, Because They Cannot Be Trusted", then we don't call this justice.
What are those young Israeli men defending? There are more Jewish people in the USA than in Israel. Israel is a tiny piece of land, and the loud words of loudmouthed hypocrites who talk about "holy land" to the contrary notwithstanding, life is sacred, but no particular parcel of land is sacred. Nor is a meteorite that landed somewhere in the Middle East and now resides in Mecca something that merits the label "sacred."
The obvious solution is to give young Israeli men an option. According to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there were Jewish people here in North America before the Europeans arrived. Why can't Washington accept this and work out a deal? People are being used as cannon fodder merely because of where they were born, what gender they were born, their age, and the ethnic identity of their parents. Let them legally seek employment in Utah.
The conflict in the Middle East would die with a whimper, rather than a bang. Apocalypse not now. Let's decide what to do and what to say. Let's not pretend that we are actors who will lose our jobs unless we act out the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Let's have peace, an enduring peace. Why not?
Will the Tea Party morph into an anti-Mormon party? Will they insist that it is known beyond doubt that Jewish people wouldn't be returning to North America, that Europeans arrived first, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is known beyond a reasonable doubt to be a fraud?
If they do that, then we can let the Supreme Court decide. There are laws against fraud. Wasn't Arthur Andersen closed down? It's time for a decision to be made. Try to shut down the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I anticipate that other denominations will support them and fight against the government.
The choice is clear:
world peace ...
... or another American civil war.
Which would you prefer?