terror, something I hadn't had in years One night I woke up at 2:53. Something was in my room Then, I was attacked Spiritually And I knew it instantly Suddenly I lost control of my left arms muscles , dear Lord it hurt, my arm twisted all the way around my back, completely unnaturally and out of my control, I saw him, tall lanky long haired dark figure, and as he tried to take my mind I got a flash of his face, ungodly, and I prayed, for the first time in years I prayed for the Lord to give me the strength to fight it off, and I remember shouting "I am me and no one else!" and my body jolted. The battle was over. The cat ran into my room hissing- it never hissed- I ran out of my room and scooped the cat up, I saw it shift attention and I saw the figure darting out Then, I looked into the kitchen, towards the only light that was on, fell to my knees, tears beating my knees, begging for forgiveness Then turned on all the lights and slept with the cat on the couch I really thought I was attacked, then I thought crazy, then just had to chock it up to night terror because both were unacceptable to me at the time One morning I heard chris shut my door, after I got up I asked him what was up, he said he had had a dream, but it was too real, he said he was laying on the couch and saw someone tall, lanky, long haired, and shadowy go from bonnies room into mine, he snapped awake and saw the same exact scene, opened his eyes to the same view and got up to make sure no one went into my room Sean told me to keep that shot under wraps And Bonnie looked at me like I was crazy Sean believed me, but he was also looking out for my best interest Ok, so back to what happened yesterday We were just up and about talking, taking it all in- when she told me about the figure in her dreams and how she thought he was there watching us, same figure, we felt him there. Then she says "you've never been baptized have you?" I said no and she asked if I was willing I said sure why not, then she "no I mean really, like really take it to heart. " she started blessing the water and I confidently said "yes", then we both heard the must disturbing laugh you could ever hear in your life and both looked where it came from She quickly but calmly said "sit sit sit" And we began what was basically an exorcism He jumped into my body, I saw him, he was me, but not, not at all, I saw him in the reflection of her eyes, then in them, she asked who I was as we were praying and she was putting the holy water on me "I'm me" but it wasn't then" no me" she asked me again, my body jolted a little "I am jonathon Ryan Travis vann and no one else" and I felt the battle, then I confessed, and I asked for forgiveness and collapsed into her arms she started talking to me and then her voice and demeanor changed, she became an angel, sent by God, who was stern yet - I can't even describe the overwhelming beauty and grace and love and caring- and I confessed and asked for forgiveness, then that dark demon was gone I immediately felt different than ever before clean, pure, and me to my most everything , me, dear Lord, I had forgotten who I was, And now I feel taller, further away from the ground, and so in tune that it has been almost distracting After the demon left, she channeled Duncan "its like you leveled up in a video game or some shit" with his exact facial expression, for a moment and then pointed to him next to me and said " your roommate never left you" and he was there next to me, he had been there to help, then she channeled my Aunt Mary, Stewarts mom, and she said "suicides don't go to hell boy there was nothing you could do" in her voice The rest is a blur But I am changed I can feel, the flow of life now I think I have the ability to help others now My eyes changed color Instantly actually At 11:16 I know that because chris had a weird feeling and txted me "what's going on?" Right as I fought the demon She said it to me right after it was over " you're eyes, the grey is gone, they're more blue, turquoise and hazel, you've got your eyes back" And I'm sure of the change myself I noticed how grey they were for so long, years, as long as I can remember. And now they see in their true color Thank you for reading, I don't know if I could ever tell that whole story I'm a writer for a reason My name helped save me It was part of my armor It had history The only unfortunate thing, and I repeat only, is I will never forget that laugh Needless to say my purple angel and I are a bit confused as to how to move on. We kissed, even though we tried not to, it was just inescapable at times, we've both said I love you and mean it, however we both realized our connection is greater than us and or human instincts can't cloud our judgement in how to use our gift If we were together, that would mean limiting the amount of people we could help And our love is spiritual, we have met many times before, we are both sure of it Ya the best I could describe is that the angel was either the metatron, the angel who speaks to man for god, or a sera or archangel. God the beauty! We went on a walk later and on our way out we saw a Man on a phone in a white shirt, with anethral smile, such a smile, we said hi how are you "it's a beautiful night" we looked at each other and both vocalized and or knew that he was an angel I wish I could describe because you both see it and don't, feel it and not, it truly is a 6th sense.
Every day since then has breeder new surprises. When I focus on people's energy I almost feel like I'm rolling. Just remember, as much bad in the world there is, there is double fold good.