God should be executed for crimes against humanity. – Bryan Emmanuel Gutierrez
Every time, without fail, when I read a news story about the untimely and senseless deaths of the innocent in some sort of horrible accident, the responses from the Christian community are ludicrous. What irks me to no end are those who believe that their god not only knew that these people were going to die these horrific deaths, but had actually planned it. They simply accept it as the will of God, not an accident, or an act of terrorism, or a murder, etc. There is absolutely nothing even remotely intelligent about this and you have to wonder how many times do you need to get your ass kicked before you realize that the person kicking your ass does not have your best interests in mind.
When I ask those who have been directly effected by these untimely deaths, it suddenly becomes all about them. I have been told countless times by believers that god uses these situations as a test of faith or as a way to bring them closer together with one another. Among the more ludicrous utterances I have come across comes from those who believe that the death and suffering of humanity somehow brings glory to their god. Just like the death of Cassie Bernall in Columbine, of those on September 11th, 2001, of King David’s “ten thousand,” and all the other war stories about the murder of hundreds of thousands of people in the bible. And don’t forget about the ridiculous myth of the biblical flood that caused the wholesale slaughter of the entire human race, save one family. All for the glory of god… What a peach…
Religious people are forced to perform mental gymnastics to reconcile real life with their delusions. When Christianity, Islam and the rest of the world religions finally have gone the way of Zeus, they will leave behind a legacy of case studies for students of abnormal psychology. It still amazes me that in the twenty-first century there are so many people who base their reality upon ancient myths. It astounds me that someone can look upon the death, carnage and destruction of an entire planeload of twisted, burnt corpses and call a lone survivor a “miracle.” It perplexes me how a parent can lose a child to anything and believe that their god called them “home,” or that their kids were “on loan” to them from their god. It is not a fool who says there is no god, but a fool who denies what their own eyes are telling them.